
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The First Haircut

Today we took Madelyn to get her first haircut. She's watched Travis get his hair cut before, so she was pretty excited it was her turn (she really wanted to wear the cape) We took her to meet Jay, the awesome stylist who has been cutting my hair for years.

Here is her haircut story, in pictures:

The before.
Notice the excited smile. Yay, a haircut!

Waiting. She seemed a little unsure of what was going on, but the huge mirror was interesting enough.

It was when Jay asked her to stand up that things started to go downhill. I don't know if it was because she really just wanted to sit in the chair, or that she realized he was a stranger coming at her with sharp scissors. Either way, a meltdown ensued.

If pictures with mommy in front of the big mirror didn't make it better...

Then a candy cane from Jay might

By now I think she decided he wasn't so bad after all. Still not someone she wanted to talk to of course, but he did give her candy

and a really cool spin toy

The after:

Next we went to McDonald's for fruit and yogurt parfaits (and possibly some french fries)

Here she dunking with daddy

And all was right in the world again

Thanks Jay!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Normal Day

I just started my blog and already I'm neglecting it. That didn't take long, huh? Ha!
I do have some stuff in mind that I will try to post later though.

I came across this great quote on another blog today. The blog is called Enjoying the Small Things, and it's fabulous. If you get a chance to visit, I suggest starting here It really is a beautiful story! (and the photography is A-MAZ-ING)

Ok, back to the quote. She took it from a reader who's grandmother has this taped to her bathroom mirror. So I'm sorry I don't know where it originated!

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day, I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return."

Beautiful, right?
I've been counting down the days to spring (literally. I have a countdown ticker. Only 1 month until the first day of spring, by the way) and I love this reminder to enjoy the normal days. Even the cold, cloudy ones :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Funny Valentine

This week we've been gearing up for Valentine's Day. We've been cooped up inside with colds (first Madelyn, now me. Awesome) so I figured it was a great time to do some Valentine crafts.

First up, heart garlands!
These were so easy. I just cut hearts out of paper, let Madelyn paint them, and then glued them together with a piece of string in the middle.
Madelyn has been watching a lot of Little Bear lately. There is a episode where Little Bear makes a kite, complete with kite tail. So when we started this project she immediately thought that's what we were making. By the time the we had just a few hearts on she wanted to "fly" them. So keep in mind some of these hearts have been around the living room a few times :)

Next we made Valentine sugar cookies. YUM.
I asked Madelyn to roll the dough into a ball, but she said she wanted to make a hot dog instead

And a cute Madelyn "Cheese!" picture for good measure.
(side note, how cute is her headband?! Two for $5 at baby gap. I'm thinking she's going to look adorable in her headband, some big sunglasses, and swim suit this summer. Yes, I am already planning summer outfits. It's freezing outside and we haven't left the house in a week. Don't judge.)

ANYWAY, here is miss Madelyn in her headband
Back to cookies. Despite the fact that some were shaped like hot dogs at first, they all spread out and turned into perfect cookies.

Time to decorate!

All in all, we had fun. Colds and all.

More to come.... :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I have a blog

I finally made a blog! Go me!
I'm pretty sure I will only have one reader ever (hi aimee) But that's ok :)
My main goal in writing this blog is to get enough entries to make a really cool blog book. And to update my one reader on my life and all that :)

So here it goes! Please excuse all grammatical errors and my overuse of smiley faces.


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